September 25 – Morning session


8:00 AM-8:30 AM – Late registration


8:30-9:00 – Welcome and Workshop presentation


Giovanna Ferrari

University of Salerno and ProdAl Scarl, Italy

Gustavo Barbosa-Canovas

Washington State University and IFT, USA

Olga Martín-Belloso

University of Lleida and EFFoST, Spain


9:00 AM-1:00 PM

Topic 1 – Nonthermal processes for better foods

Session Chairs:

Petros Taoukis

National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Robert Soliva-Fortuny

University of Lleida, Spain


9:00-9:50 – Oral presentations

Efficiency of microfiltration and centrifugation as nonthermal methods for physical removal of bacteria from milk

E. Griep and Carmen I. Moraru

Cornell University, USA


Evaluation of processing conditions of pulsed electric field treatment for ambient storage of fresh orange juice

Julian Witt, V. Völkel, C. Siemer, S. Töpfl

Elea Vertriebs und Vermarktungsgesellschaft mbH, Germany


Pulsed Electric Fields (PEF) processing of fruit and vegetables

Michael A. Kempkes

Diversified Technologies, Inc., USA


Efficacy of pulsed electric fields and active compounds used alone and in combination for the inactivation of Campylobacter jejuni in liquids and chicken

Isabel Clemente Arellano, S. Condón-Abanto, S. Pedrós-Garrido, P. Whyte, J.G. Lyng

University College Dublin, Ireland


Non-thermal processing by gamma and electron beam radiation for food preservation

Amilcar L. Antonio1, I. C.F.R. Ferreira1, P. M. P. Santos2, S. Cabo Verde2

1Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal

2Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal


9:50-10:30 – Flash presentations of selected posters


Inactivation of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris in apple juice using a combined treatment of a thin layer-continuous flow high intensity pulsed light reinforced by mild electric field and essential oil nanoemulsions

Özge Taştan, F. Icier, T. Baysal

Ege University, Turkey


Pilot scale system for continuous PEF inactivation and process validation of non- and pathogenic bacteria in liquid products

Kemal Aganovic1, R. Nitzsche1, C. Hertel1, S. Töpfl2

1German Institute of Food Technologies – DIL e. V., Germany

2Elea Vertriebs- und Vermarktungsgesellschaft mbH, Germany


Low energy electron beam as non-thermal spore control strategy: efficiency and mechanisms

Yifan Zhang1, R. Moeller2, N. Meneses3, S. Tran1, B. Dubovcova3, D. Drissner4, A. Mathys1

1Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zurich – ETH Zurich, Switzerland

2German Aerospace Center, Germany

3Buhler AG, Switzerland

4Albstadt-Sigmaringen University, Germany


Evaluation of the effect of nonthermal processing on fish quality and shelf life using novel omics technologies: the case of high pressure processing of sea bass fillets

T. Tsironi1, G. Dimopoulos1, L. Anjos2, P. I Pinto2, S. Santos2, Petros Taoukis1, A. Canario2, D. Power2

1National Technical University of Athens, Greece

2University of Algarve, Portugal


Effect of ultrasound treatment on phenolic profile and quality attributes of apples

Maria del Carmen Naranjo-Martín, A. Ribas-Agustí, O. Martín-Belloso, R. Soliva-Fortuny, P. Elez-Martínez

University of Lleida, Spain


Moderate intensity Pulsed Electric Fields (PEF) as alternative mild preservation technology for fruit juice

Rian A.H. Timmermans, H.C. Mastwijk, L.B.J.M. Berendsen, A.L. Nederhoff, A.M. Matser, M.A.J.S. Van Boekel, M.N. Nierop Groot

Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands


Comparison of thermal and freeze concentration on the physicochemical properties and bioactive compounds of blueberry juice

Nidia Casas Forero, G. Petzold, J. Moreno, P. Orellana

Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chile


Using high hydrostatic pressures to retain the antioxidant compounds and to reduce the enzymatic activity in a pitaya-pineapple (Stenocereus sp.-Ananas comosus) beverage

Zamantha Escobedo-Avellaneda, L. Sandate-Flores, M.J. Rostro-Alanis, E.I. Mancera-Andrade, D.A. Esquivel-Hernandez, C. Brambila-Paz, R. Parra-Saldívar, J. Welti-Chanes, J. Rodríguez-Rodríguez

Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico


10:30-11:30 – Coffee break + Poster session


Effect of high pressure processing on the inactivation of spoilage microorganisms and L. innocua and E. coli cells inoculated in a mixed fruit and vegetable smoothie

M.V. Fernández1,3, G. Denoya2,3, M.V. Agüero1,3, S. R. Vaudagna2,3, Rosa J. Jagus1

1Universidad de Buenos Aires – UBA, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científica y Técnicas – CONICET, Instituto de Tecnologías y Ciencias de la Ingeniería – INTECIN, Argentina

2Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria – INTA, Argentina

3Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas – CONICET, Argentina


Enhancing the survival rate of Lactobacillus casei microencapsulated by double emulsion and electrostatic deposition

Tatiana Beldarrain-Iznaga, R. Villalobos-Carvajal, E. Jara, J. Leiva-Vega

Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chile


Production of high quality and increased shelf-life ready-to-eat leafy salads by application of cold atmospheric plasma technology

P. Stergiou1, P. Dimitrakellis2, M. Giannoglou3, E. Gogolides2, N. Stoforos1, George Katsaros3

1Agricultural University of Athens, Greece

2National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, Greece

3Hellenic Agricultural Organisation-DEMETER, Greece


The effect of pressure on the kinetics of EGCG degradation – implications to hyperbaric storage

H. Shkolnikov, V. Belochvostov, Z. Okun, Avi Shpigelman

Israel Institute of Technology – Technion, Israel


Continuous UV-C treatment of packed meat products

Hanna Harmeling1, K. Aganovic1, V. Heinz1, P. Muranyi²

1German Institute of Food Technologies – DIL e.V. Germany

2Fraunhofer Institute IVV, Germany


Refrigerated microbial, enzymatic, nutraceutical and organoleptic stability of pitaya (Stenocereus pruinosus) juice processed by high hydrostatic pressure

B. Quiroz-González1, V. Rodríguez Martínez2, M.d.R. García-Mateos1, J. Antonio Torres2, J. Welti-Chanes2

1Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Mexico

2Tecnológico de Monterrey, México


Hyperbaric storage of ground beef and turkey under uncontrolled room temperature

X. Wu2, K. Deng2, J. Du2, V. Rodríguez Martínez1, J. Welti-Chanes1, J. Antonio Torres1,2

1Tecnológico de Monterrey, México

2Oregon State University, USA


High Pressure Homogenization for microbial inactivation: processing and mechanistic considerations

Francesco Donsì1, G. Ferrari1,2

1University of Salerno, Italy

2ProdAl Scarl, Italy


Application of Ultraviolet Radiation for increasing the content of antioxidant compounds of fresh-cut peaches

M. Ragusa1, M. J. Zaro2,3, G. A. Polenta1, S. R. Vaudagna1,3, Gabriela Inés Denoya1,3

1Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria – INTA, Argentina

2Universidad Nacional de la Plata – CONICET, Argentina

3Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas – CONICET, Argentina


Quality effects of atmospheric plasma treatment on sour cherry juice sample

F. İçier1, F. Ayhan2, Damla Bayana1

1Ege University, Turkey

2Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University, Turkey


Cactus mucilage in the development of new bioresourced packaging materials

R. Gheribi1, Y. Habibi2, Khaoula Khwaldia1

1Institut National de Recherche et d’Analyse Physico-chimique – INRAP, Tunisia

2Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology – LIST, Luxembourg


Effects of biopolymer-based active coatings on postharvest quality of okra pods

H. Aloui, N. Jguirim, Khaoula Khwaldia

Institut National de Recherche et d’Analyse Physico-chimique – INRAP), Tunisia


Visible LED light exposure of spinach during storage: effect on microbial load and quality

C. Boyles, Y. Cheng, Carmen I. Moraru

Cornell University, USA


Inactivation of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris in apple juice by pulsed light in a continuous flow system

Özge Taştan1, G. Pataro2, T. Baysal1, G. Ferrari2,3

1Ege University, Turkey

2University of Salerno, Italy

3ProdAl Scarl, Italy


Ozonated water and oxygen scavenger on the quality of modified atmosphere packaged chicken meat

D. Ünal1, Kezban Candoğan2

1Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, Turkey

2Ankara University, Turkey


Cadmium reduction from edible crab (Cancer pagurus) using ultrasound technology

Santiago Condón-Abanto1,2, S. Condón1, J. Raso1, C. Arroyo2, I. Álvarez1, J.G. Lyng2

1Universidad de Zaragoza-CITA, Spain

2University College Dublin – UCD, Ireland


High pressure processing for sea buckthorn juice with higher superoxide dismutase

Zhiqiang Hou, Y. Zhang, X. Qin, L. Zhao, Y. Wang, X. Liao

China Agricultural University, China


Novel approach towards the quantification of viable Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli in beef products

R. María de los Ángeles1, M. Cap1, Sergio Vaudagna1,2, M. Mozgovoj1,2

1Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria – INTA, Argentina

2Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas – CONICET, Argentina


Can non-thermal technologies enhance the performances of new thermal processes?

O. Casaburi, Francesco Marra

University of Salerno, Italy


Electron-beam irradiation preserves nutritional profile of Agaricus bisporus Portobello

R.V.C. Cardoso1,2, Â. Fernandes1, J.C.M. Barreira1, Amilcar L. Antonio1, P.M.P. Santos3, S. Cabo Verde3, A.M.G. Paramás2, L. Barros1, I.C.F.R. Ferreira1

1Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal

2Universidad de Salamanca, Spain

3Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal


Combined effect of irradiation and organic acid treatment on the inactivation of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli inoculated on beef trimmings

M. Cap1, C. Cingolani2, C. Lires2, Sergio R. Vaudagna1,3, G. Leotta4, C. Horak2

1Centro de Investigación de Agroindustria – INTA, Argentina

2Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica – CNEA, Argentina

3Consejo Nacional de InvestigacionesCientíficas y Técnicas – CONICET, Argentina

4 Universidad Nacional de la Plata – CONICET, Argentina


Comparative study of the effect of High Pressure and Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields technologies on sea-bream fillets quality indices and shelf-life extension

M. Giannoglou1, A. Efthimiadou1, G. Eleni2, George Katsaros1

1Hellenic Agricultural Organization-DEMETER, Greece

2SELONDA Aquaculture SA, Greece


How gamma radiation affects antimicrobial potential of medicinal plants: Mentha x piperita L. as a case study

E. Pereira1, A.I. Pimenta2, L. Barros1, Amilcar L. Antonio1, S. Cabo Verde2, I.C.F.R. Ferreira1

1Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal

2Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal


Combined effect of high pressure, nisin and mild temperatures on the inactivation of Listeria innocua and Escherichia coli in carrot juice

Prashant Raj Pokhrel1, T. Toniazzo1,2, S. Sablani1, J. Tang1, G.V. Barbosa-Cánovas1

1Washington State University, WA

2University of Sao Paulo (USP), Brazil


Insights into PEF potato processing gained from analysis using the dynamic electrical model of electroporation

Samo Mahnič-Kalamiza, N. Poklar-Ulrih, D. Miklavčič

University of Ljubljana, Slovenia


Evaluating the potential of PEF for improving meat drying/curing process?

L. Astráin, J. Raso, G. Cebrián, Ignacio Álvarez

Universidad de Zaragoza-CITA, Spain


Ultra High Pressure Homogenization applied within the Made in-Italy project “ATENA”

Francesca Patrignani, L. Vannini, R. Lanciotti

University of Bologna, Italy


Resuscitation of viable but nonculturable (VBNC) state Escherichia coli O157:H7 induced by High pressure CO2

Dong Yang

China Agricultural University, China


Inactivation of Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris in apple juice using a combined treatment of a thin layer-continuous flow high intensity pulsed light reinforced by mild electric field and essential oil nanoemulsions

Özge Taştan, F. Icier, T. Baysal

Ege University, Turkey


Pilot scale system for continuous PEF inactivation and process validation of non- and pathogenic bacteria in liquid products

Kemal Aganovic1, R. Nitzsche1, C. Hertel1, S. Töpfl2

1German Institute of Food Technologies – DIL e. V., Germany

2Elea Vertriebs- und Vermarktungsgesellschaft mbH, Germany


Low energy electron beam as non-thermal spore control strategy: efficiency and mechanisms

Yifan Zhang1, R. Moeller2, N. Meneses3, S. Tran1, B. Dubovcova3, D. Drissner4, A. Mathys1

1Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zurich – ETH Zurich, Switzerland

2German Aerospace Center, Germany

3Buhler AG, Switzerland

4Albstadt-Sigmaringen University, Germany


Evaluation of the effect of nonthermal processing on fish quality and shelf life using novel omics technologies: the case of high pressure processing of sea bass fillets

T. Tsironi1, G. Dimopoulos1, L. Anjos2, P. I Pinto2, S. Santos2, Petros Taoukis1, A. Canario2, D. Power2

1National Technical University of Athens, Greece

2University of Algarve, Portugal


Effect of ultrasound treatment on phenolic profile and quality attributes of apples

Maria del Carmen Naranjo-Martín, A. Ribas-Agustí, O. Martín-Belloso, R. Soliva-Fortuny, P. Elez-Martínez

University of Lleida, Spain


Moderate intensity Pulsed Electric Fields (PEF) as alternative mild preservation technology for fruit juice

Rian A.H. Timmermans, H.C. Mastwijk, L.B.J.M. Berendsen, A.L. Nederhoff, A.M. Matser, M.A.J.S. Van Boekel, M.N. Nierop Groot

Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands


Comparison of thermal and freeze concentration on the physicochemical properties and bioactive compounds of blueberry juice

Nidia Casas Forero, G. Petzold, J. Moreno, P. Orellana

Universidad del Bío-Bío, Chile


High hydrostatic pressures to retain the antioxidant compounds and to reduce the enzymatic activity of a pitaya–pineapple (Stenocereus sp.–Fragaria ananassa) beverage

Zamantha Escobedo-Avellaneda, L. Sandate-Flores, M.J. Rostro-Alanis, E.I. Mancera-Andrade, D.A. Esquivel-Hernandez, C. Brambila-Paz, R. Parra-Saldívar, J. Welti-Chanes, J. Rodríguez-Rodríguez

Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico


11:30-12:30 – Oral presentations


High pressure pasteurization of liquids in frozen state

Sami Bulut1,2, K.A. Karatzas1

1University of Reading, United Kingdom

2Trakya University, Turkey


Inactivation of listeria on packaged meat products by pulsed light

Bernd Kramer1, H. Harmeling2, P. Muranyi1

1Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging IVV, Germany

2German Institute of Food Technologies – DIL e. V., Germany


Combination of Pulsed Electric Field and pectinase pre-treatment to improve the fermentation behaviour of white wine

Thomas Fauster1, K. Hanz1, R. Scheibelberger1, T. Teufl1, C. Philipp2, H. Scheiblhofer2, H. Jäger1

1University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences – BOKU, Austria

2Federal College and Research Institute for Viticulture and Pomology – HBLAuBA, Austria


The effect of thermal, PEF and HPP on antioxidative compounds, proteins and their digestibility in kale juice

Anna-Sophie Stübler1, R. Küchler1, A. Juadjur1, K. Aganovic1, A. Shpigelman2, U. Lesmes2 C. Rauh3

1German Institute of Food Technologies – DIL e. V., Germany

2Israel Institute of Technology – Technion, Israel

3Technical University Berlin, Germany


Combination of PEF and Aureobasidium pullulans treatment on acrylamide mitigation in potato crisps

Jessica Genovese, A. Di Francesco, S. Tappi, P. Rocculi, E. Baraldi, S. Romani

University of Bologna, Italy


Analysis of inactivation data for foodborne spores by high pressure processing for global inactivation parameters

H. Hayrapetyan, Masja Nierop Groot, R. Hamoen, M. Vollebregt

Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands


12:30 AM-1:00 PM – Round table

General Overview and Moderators:

Petros Taoukis

National Technical University of Athens, Greece

Robert Soliva-Fortuny

University of Lleida, Spain


1:00-2:00 – Lunch